We All Need a Support System

We All Need a Support System

Recently, I was able to catch up with a friend/former co-worker for lunch and it was such a refresher. After catching up on life, family and others, we were able to share what we were currently doing in personally and in our careers. My friend, a consultant as well, was able to listen to my aspirations, help put me on the right track in planning and showing me how she can help me reach my goals (as a consultant herself). After lunch, I was so excited that I immediately went back to refine my goals and ensure I was on the right path in marching towards my goals.


It was then when I realized that we all need some type of support system or “community.” We all need someone to motivate, coach, encourage and assist us in reaching our goals. Whether it is a spouse, a sibling, a parent, a friend or a mentor, we all could use someone to nudge us into ensuring we are working towards our life’s mission.


Financial Peace University Overview

Financial Peace University Overview

For many of you who follow me, you know that I am a Dave Ramsey fan. My husband and I have purchased, read and implemented many of Dave’s financial strategies to get us on our journey to financial freedom. I recently purchased and went through Financial Peace University Home/Online course and I absolutely loved it.


Although my husband and I have been following the “Baby Steps” plan, I was able to glean more information as to how we can ensure we are on the right path to building a financial legacy. Here are three tips I learned from Financial Peace University.


Back to School Declarations

Back to School Declarations

It is BACK TO SCHOOL time and we are ready and eager to begin a new school year. There is, however, one thing our family does every year to aid in the assurance of our children having a safe and fun-filled school year—we cover our children in PRAYER.


Our goal is not only to ensure we build a “financial legacy”, but we want to ensure we are leaving the “spiritual legacy” that was passed down to us. Both my husband and I come from Christian homes. My dad is a pastor and my husband’s father is a minister; therefore, our faith was a vital part of our lives growing up. Everyday my mom made sure she prayed for each of us every morning before we ran out of the door (or got out of the car) for school. And if our friends were with us, guess what? She prayed for them too. Just like our parents prayed for us, the legacy continues with my husband and I praying for our children.
