3 Steps to Accomplishing Your Goals in 2017

3 Steps to Accomplishing Your Goals in 2017

Happy New Year to All! I must say that I am ecstatic about 2017 and all it has for me, our family and for YOU! 2016 was great, but I am expecting greater for the new year! With expectation, however, comes execution. According to Statisticbrain.com, 45% of Americans set New Year’s Resolutions, but only eight percent (8%) actually achieve them. What?!?! Eight Percent!!! Why is there such a vast difference between the percent of those setting resolutions and those who actually achieve them?


Well, I believe the biggest problem lie in the basic definition of the word itself. The root word of “resolution” is “resolve” which means “to make a decision to change”. Now although I would say that making a decision to change is the first step to change in the new year, but it definitely should not be the ONLY step. There is a major difference in “making a decision to change” and actually taking steps and creating a plan to ensure change ensues. For example, I can say all day long that my New Year’s Resolution is to lose 20 pounds in 2017, but if I have not created a meal plan ahead of time, focused in having a partner work with me in my exercise routine, and so on, guess what? I will lose weight the first week in January and gain it all back the second week. Statistics even tells us this… “75% of Americans who make resolutions only maintain it through the end of the first week”(Statisticbrain.com).  WOW!

So how do you set goals that you can actually accomplish throughout the month, by the quarter and by the end of the year? Well here’s what we do:
