Rich Kids’ Book Review

Rich Kids’ Book Review

If you are looking to find more tools for your children to ensure they are more prepared financially and socially in life than you were, then this book is for you. In the book “Rich Kids: How to Raise Our Children to be Happy and Successful in Life”, Tom Corley (author) is taking a road trip with his son and goes into vivid detail about what he learned from his grandfather (a very successful author and financial coach) when he spent an entire summer with him.


His grandfather promised he would teach him what he learned after studying the common themes of wealthy/successful people. So over the course of his summer break, Tom’s grandfather taught him “rich habits” one week and would splurge and have fun with him the other week—alternating work weeks (learning rich habits) and fun weeks (work hard, play hard).

During the “work” weeks, Tom Corley’s grandfather taught him the difference between the habits of successful persons (rich) vs unsuccessful persons (poor). The chart details some of the habits of each taken from the book.


Marriage and Money

Marriage and Money

This past week my husband and I celebrated 10 years of marriage and was able to get away (without the little ones) to spend some alone time together. It was Fabulous.


Antwain & Petrina, July 9, 2005

One of the many conversations we had pertained to our goals and vision for our finances. We realize that statistically, many marriages fail over one single topic—money. And after being on the high and low side of money throughout our our marriage, we reviewed and discussed our finances. So after 10 years of marriage, we have learned that although we view and do money differently, we have to view and do money together. In order for our marriage to work, we learned we both must:
